Entomologist Laboratory
Okay so I said I was going to use this blog to show off the materials that I have made for my classroom, so it's time to show some off! One of our many study units at work is Insects. My preschoolers LOVED the insect study. Unfortunately the weather here in Connecticut did not cooperate and when it should have been spring it was still winter so we didn't get to get out and see too many insects during our study, but my kids are still searching for them on the playground and studying them and talking about them!
I love changing my dramatic play center. I do it constantly. Maybe even more than normal teachers do. But I like including as many centers as possible into our studies so that the kids can get more out of it. The first dramatic play pack that I have made and offer for sale on Teachers Pay Teachers was for an entomologist laboratory. I searched FOREVER on the internet when I was setting up this study and could barely find anything to support an insect study in the dramatic play center. And on went the lightbulb, time to make what I need!
You can check out my Entomologist Lab Pack here on TpT.
I tried to make this pack as inclusive as possible. I have center labels, a word wall, observation sheets, and information pages. We were lucky enough to have a large collection of plastic insects for the children to study and play with. If you don't have any, insect pictures from google would work just as well!
Here is my dramatic play center. There is a table for studying at, a cute banner, lab coats, and so much more!
The kids loved having the lab coats to dress up in. I bought 4 large white button up shirts from Goodwill, cut them down a little bit, hemmed them, and viola!
Here are pictures of how everything else was set up. Our furniture in our dramatic play center has felt on the back, so I used velcro to hold everything on. The kids had a blast in this center!
This center was in high demand through the whole study. Some days we even had to set a timer and make a wait list. The kids loved using magnifying glasses to get a closer look at the insects. It was so rewarding to see how much the kids enjoyed using something that I had made for them.
So if you like what you see, please head over to my Teachers Pay Teachers store! I am so excited to be able to share these different classroom materials with all of you!